Lynda - Learning Computer Security Investigation and Response

Lynda - Learning Computer Security Investigation and Response
Lynda - Learning Computer Security Investigation and Response - Aprender los fundamentos de la informática forense y la investigación de crímenes cibernéticos. Descubra cómo recolectar y recuperar evidencia de delitos cibernéticos como el acoso y el robo de identidad en computadoras Mac, Windows y Linux.

Learning Computer Security Investigation and Response

Peso: 230 MB | Idioma: Ingles | Formadores: Sandra Toner | Escuela: Lynda | Numero de videos: 48 | Formato: Mp4 |
- [Voiceover] ¿Alguna vez te has encontrado deseando saber cómo encontrar evidencia digital en tu computadora o dispositivo móvil? Usted no tiene que ser un experto investigador forense para realizar algunas funciones básicas de investigación y respuesta, como la recolección de pruebas. Soy Sandy Toner, y bienvenido a Computer Security: Investigation and Response. En este curso, revisaré diferentes tipos de crímenes cibernéticos, como el ciberacoso y el hackeo. También describiré los conceptos básicos sobre el proceso digital forense y las mejores prácticas en el campo.
¡Ahora, empecemos!
Welcome What you should know before watching this course 1. Understanding Forensic Science
Applying science to digital investigations Identifying digital evidence Destroying digital evidence Using forensic best practices Examining forensic frameworks Ensuring scientific relevance 2. Defining Cyber Crime
Classifying cyber crime Defining identity theft Examining cyber harassment Explaining hacking techniques Differentiating nonaccess crimes 3. Setting Up a Forensic Lab
Building a knowledgebase Working with evidence Equipping the lab Considering legal implications Selecting forensic software 4. Responding to a Cyber Incident
Discovering an incident Differentiating between postmortem and live forensics Preserving evidence Applying forensics to disaster recovery Reporting cyber incidents 5. Collecting Evidence
Following protocol Storing evidence Imaging evidence 6. Recovering Evidence
Finding hidden data Resurrecting data Working with damaged media Viewing browser history Recovering evidence from a cellular phone 7. Network-Based Evidence
Checking out firewall logs Detecting network intrusion Examining router evidence 8. Windows Forensics
Applying forensics to Windows Checking the Windows audit log Finding Windows directories Locating evidence from the Windows Registry 9. Macintosh Forensics
Applying forensics to a Mac Checking out Mac logs Finding Mac directories 10. Linux Forensics
Applying forensics to Linux Checking out Linux log files Finding Linux directories Recovering a deleted file in Linux 11. Forensic Tools
Checking out open-source forensic tools Checking out commercial forensic software Conclusion
Next steps and resources

Lynda - Learning Computer Security Investigation and Response - BCLLCSIA



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